16 December 2014

December 13th 2014 Saturday @ Melkweg Amsterdam > One Ok Rock

Me and my sister went to Melkweg / Amsterdam to see One Ok Rock onstage. What I didn’t expected was a very long line when we arrived around 8 pm. I even asked someone if they were also here for the band, just to make sure. I was kind of hoping they weren’t, so I could just go to the entry door, but sadly they were.

I’m not a listener of One Ok Rock or even heard of them till couple of weeks ago when my sister phoned me and asked if I was interested in going with her. I thought why not, she went to few gigs with me to the band I liked it.

We were in the venue when Tonight  Alive took the stage. I must say that they did pretty damn good job with warming up the show for the main act. Finally the headliners arrived and people started to go crazy, incl. my sister, trying to get the best spot  and hoping to catch something that guitarist would throw at fans. I got orders from my sister that I have to take pictures of the blond dude, so I did. Even though I’m not fan it was enjoyable and I loved taking pictures of them cause they were giving pretty good poses J

Anyway, here are the pictures that I selected from over  550. Enjoy.

pictures are by Me.


  1. Wow, supergave foto's! Nice :) En ze zijn zeker heel fotogeniek haha! Er zitten echt een paar hele gave foto's tussen die niet zouden misstaan in een music magazine ;)

    1. ahhhhh dankjewel :)
      lees ik dit heel laat, jammer genoeg ik krijg geen melding wanneer iemand op reageert
